A two-player game contained in 18 cards. Engage in a romantic duel of wit, attempting to make the other person your valentine with your clever back-and-forth wordplay.
Over eight days in June, I rode my bike from Buffalo to Brooklyn along the Erie Canal on New York’s Empire Trail. The distances covered ranged from 50 to 80 miles daily, averaging around the mid-60s. The ride was technically quite easy. Flat terrain, well-marked trails, nothing too difficult. But I got sick on the […]
This business card social game is about inflicting creative projects on people you’re conversing with. It sprang from an idea I’d had long ago about encouraging other game designers to take a snippet of conversation, use it as a title, and get them to design a game to fit that title. This is basically still […]
New York City is a very in-between place for Randonneuring. To the east, there are the Long Island Randonneurs whose routes mostly start 30 miles or more from the borders of NYC and to the west (but technically covering NYC) are the New Jersey Randonneurs which broadly cover NJ, but have events within easy commute […]
This last weekend I had the first opportunity in a long time to go winter bikepacking. I joined a few friends from the NYC-ADV bicycling club for an overnight adventure to Harriman State Park. We took the new north-side path over the George Washington Bridge. The accessibility of this path is miles easier than the […]
I had really good eyesight for a long time. It wasn’t until I noticed that I couldn’t keep my eyes open while driving at night that I solicited any extra professional opinions, whereupon it turned out that I had a mild astigmatism. So I started to wear glasses in my 30s and was basically rushed through the whole process. “Which of these two [lenses] is better? Great, here’s your choice of frames, they’ll be ready in two weeks.”
This trick-taking was inspired by the world of the cartoon Avatar: The Last Airbender. It features elemental suits that have unique abilities to affect a round of tricks. During the development it was picked up by another publisher and I developed three additional sets of card mechanics along their intended theme before the project was […]
Coffeeneuring is a delightful cycling challenge that is derived from Randonneuring. My wife and I have been participating for a number of years now, and this year we opted to do a fully international themed set of rides.
My frequent collaboration partner Ryan approached me as a publisher to pick up this Kickstarter project that had gotten to be four years old and very overdue, to pick up the pieces and project manage it to completion. Over the course of two years, we rewrote the entire manuscript and substantially redesigned the game together. […]