About my work

I often describe myself as a “Professional Enabler.” I publish games, do coaching, and generally make things happen.

I am a problem solver: I look for ways to create continuous improvements in whatever I’m doing. I like to experiment with ideas, sometimes finding ways to optimize processes and other times coming up with entirely new ways of looking at problems.

I am a designer: I love guiding ideas to life, particularly in the fields of interactive digital and industrial design. I delight in taking ownership of raw ideas and turning them into valuable products. I do product development, product management, creative direction, narrative development, you name it, as well as all of the underlying user experience and market research that is required to make that happen.

I am a leader: I’m passionate about organizational leadership that elicits the best teamwork from people. I’m low-ego about my own ideas and am an unflinching advocate for my teams. I make it a priority to understand as much as I can about all stakeholders’ needs to help define the best path forward.

Made it this far? Great! We might have some interesting conversations in the future. Reach out to me to get one started.