My Dear Lady Disdain

My Dear Lady Disdain

A two-player game contained in 18 cards. Engage in a romantic duel of wit, attempting to make the other person your valentine with your clever back-and-forth wordplay.

Conversational Shrapnel

Conversational Shrapnel

This business card social game is about inflicting creative projects on people you’re conversing with. It sprang from an idea I’d had long ago about encouraging other game designers to take a snippet of conversation, use it as a title, and get them to design a game to fit that title. This is basically still […]

Kung-Fu Kittens

Kung-Fu Kittens

This trick-taking was inspired by the world of the cartoon Avatar: The Last Airbender. It features elemental suits that have unique abilities to affect a round of tricks. During the development it was picked up by another publisher and I developed three additional sets of card mechanics along their intended theme before the project was […]

Release Thyself

Release Thyself

An audio game built for the NarraScope 2020 Game Jam, “Release Thyself” was inspired by Magpie Games’ RPG Bluebeard’s Bride, a really intense game of feminine horror. In this game, you play as the bride and explore the house trying to find a key to the front door so that you can escape.

Snack Attack!

Snack Attack!

Snack Attack is a quick escape room game built in Twine as a prototype for a smart speaker audio game pitch. That project never made it to fruition, but the prototype is now available to play for free. It’s a 5-10 minute escape-room style puzzle. Play Snack Attack! on

Threat or Menace!

Threat or Menace!

A co-operative headline building game of reporters telling stories of a city filled with superheroes and villains.



Built as an experiment to learn Lua scripting, using the now-obsolete Corona SDK, this is a small Spaceship/Mini-Golf game intended for mobile platforms